Monday, January 25, 2010

fool me once...bernanke

bernanke was compliant and complicit with the wrongs and errors that lead us to this financial crisis

it is equally clear that he possesses the expertise and the respect of the financial and political community necessary to pursue a vision that could lead us out of the abyss

two questions jump out

1 has bernanke seen the light and will thus put forward the correct policies?

2 however justifiable our impulse to punish bernanke might be, is it worth the risk of that an alternative candidate will either be less qualified, or, used by this senate as a political football and stall the appointment process

in the past, i supported bernanke as the nominee to fed chair because i believed he was the most intellectual and, knowledgeable candidate and, he was, i believed, not part of the paulson-geithner school of squid

that support i now regret

bernanke would have to have an awesome, public, heart felt, believable, "come to Jesus" moment of contrition for his errors, and enunciate a clear policy statement for the future.... before i would change my opinion

so for now, at least i say no on bernankes re-appointment ,

and i say it with neither relish nor joy

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